17 January 2024

Politicians Lie, Even If They Are Also Lawyers

It is in their nature to lie. Trump Prosecutor Fani Willis Caught in Another HUGE Lie

Are most politicians lawyers? In this case, she's a prosecutor, but she is still a politician.

She went to a church to play the race card about hiring a Special Prosecutor that she was also sleeping with. And she had to lie about the payments.

She hired 3 Special Prosecutors. and said - in church - that they all were getting the same pay. They weren't.

Willis knows that this isn’t about race, but she couldn’t stop herself from lying in a house of God. She even doubled down on the lie, claiming that all three attorneys were paid the same rate.

They weren’t.

"Willis was not only romantically involved with Wade, but [she also] benefited from a 'lucrative' contract her office awarded to Wade,” reports the Daily Caller. "As recently as May 2023, her office paid the attorney considered Georgia’s top racketeering expert, John Floyd, only $200 per hour, while Wade — who reportedly has little to no experience prosecuting RICO cases — was earning $250 an hour, according to billing statements obtained by the DCNF."

Wade was also billing a lot more hours than the other 2. You can click thru for those details.

Then there is the fact that Wade is a bastard toward his ex-wife. From the NY Post we get the following. Trump prosecutor Nathan Wade splurged on lavish trips with Fani Willis while ex-wife struggled ‘without any means of financial support’: court docs

The ex claimed in a motion for expenses filed last month and obtained by The Post, that Wade has left her with next to nothing, despite him having earned more than $650,000 in legal fees from the Trump case alone since 2022.

That court filing alleges that Joycelyn is in “dire need of financial support” because she is unemployed after having been a “stay-at-home mom for 26 years” and has “no access to marital funds.”

Like I said, a bastard.

More details at that link as well.

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