16 January 2024

I'm Shocked to Discover Voter Fraud Going on in Illinois

By Jordan Conradson at The Gateway Pundit we have a story from Illinois. Illinois Citizens Group Files Formal Complaint with Illinois State Board of Elections - Lost Votes, Ghost Votes, OVER 4 MILLION Possible Registration Violations: Voter Shocked to See Ballots Have Been Cast in Her Name for Years (VIDEO).

OK, I'm not shocked at all. This kind of thing has literally been going on for decades.

“The measured error rate of the electoral process in Illinois, from registration through certification, makes it impossible to legally certify any election in Illinois,” the report states.

Something like 4 of the last 7 governors of Illinois have done prison time on corruption charges. Someone will have to look up the statistics, I lost interest after Rod Blagojevich was convicted of trying to sell Obama's senate seat. But that sums up Illinois politics.

Do we think anything will come of this? I don't. "You can't fight city hall."

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