18 December 2023

Electric Buses That Don't Work In the Cold

Norway is cold. Oslo is not as cold as it is in the mountains. You would think the busses they bought for Oslo would work in the cold. Too cold for electric vehicles! Brand new electric buses paralyzed miserably in Oslo, Norway because of freezing temperatures - Strange Sounds

Oslo wants to have its busses be "emissions free." (No word on how the electricity is generated.) So they spent €100 million to buy 183 busses. For reference, it has been something like 20 to 25 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, and 15 degrees or so at night in Oslo this past week. At least a couple of days that was the weather. That doesn't strike me as particularly cold. Not like it will be in a month or so.

The new buses from Solaris were highly praised in advance and everything went well during the summer. But now, with the onset of winter, the weaknesses of the electric vehicles are becoming apparent: although a range of 250 kilometers is actually advertised, the buses sometimes simply break down.

Hat tip to Granite Grok: ‘Experts’ in Norway Bought 183 EV Buses … That Don’t Work Very Well When It’s Cold

As we’ve reported on more than one occasion, electric vehicles lose reliability and range and might fail to work in the cold, and if the rumors can be believed, it gets cold in Norway for ‘several’ months out of the year. A fact the “experts” in Norway have just realized.

I love it when politicians pretend to be engineers.

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