04 December 2023

Cops Abandon Cities for Conservative Suburbs

Can you blame them? As good cops flee progressive cities for conservative suburbs, doors open for unqualified candidates

Being a cop in a major city no longer makes sense to people.

Criminal justice experts are warning that progressive policies are discouraging qualified candidates from seeking employment in police departments and chasing good law enforcement officers out of big cities, creating an opening for the wrong type of new blood.

"If we have this same mindset going into 2024, I think we are going to explode into a state of Third World country anarchy that we've never seen before," said Meagan McCarthy, a former San Bernardino County deputy who survived a shooting only to see a California jury acquit the suspect after his defense claimed he shot at her, with her gun, in self-defense

Chicago and NYC are already lowering standards in the face of not being able to recruit.

With fewer cops working unbearable overtime, even more are going to quit. Rinse and repeat.

Lawyers are also leaving District Attorneys offices, because they also are not being allowed to do their jobs.

"Morale is down significantly, not just because of the money, but because of the laws that are being enacted, where you have these individuals that are recidivists, and they keep doing the same crime. And the prosecutors, their hands are tied," [David Gelman, a former prosecutor,] told Fox News Digital. "So they get burnt out pretty quick."

But then the destruction of the criminal justice system seems to be what is wanted by Democrats. Certainly the voters keep voting for this insanity.

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