15 November 2023

Some Advice for Jewish College Students Besieged on Liberal (Anti-Semitic) Campuses

From Dov Fischer at The American Spectator: Jewish College Students: Stop Whining and Grow Some!

Jewish students in academia are shocked to discover that though they are secular, they are still hated by anti-Semites in their midst.

This is quite a long rant, well written, from an orthodox Jew who attended Columbia in the 1970s. He has some things to say the current crop of reform/secular Jews attending Leftist universities. It is hard to know what to excerpt.

So stop your despicable whining. You are a disgrace and a shame to Jews like my friends and me who, for two thousand years, never had life as good and as privileged as you have it. They were getting butchered in Kiev and Odessa in their meager hamlets. They were burned at the stake during the Inquisition. The Crusaders broke into their homes and treated them as Hamas-ISIS does. And you are whining that 32 Muslim and Indonesian and Pakistani and Black Student groups sign a statement hating Israel and loving Hamas-ISIS? That is what they are.

Grow up. They cheer the subhumans who cut off limbs, beheaded, and burned even children and babies. The Left distinguishes between bad rape and good rape. Hamas-ISIS is good Woke rape. Rape women who want peace.

The whole thing - it isn't that long - is worth your time. (Hat tip to Pirate's Cove and Flopping Aces.)

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