03 November 2023

Friday Links - 3 November

The Gateway Pundit starts us off with Sen. Josh Hawley Lashes Out at Alejandro Mayorkas During Heated Exchange in Senate Hearing Over DHS Employee’s Controversial Post on Jewish Genocide (VIDEO)

Sen. Josh Hawley sharply criticized Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over the troubling social media posts by a DHS employee endorsing violence against Israel and its Jewish citizens.

The Other McCain - Carnac the Magnificent Knows the Answer. On the Nashville School Shooter's manifesto, and the FBI's refusal to release it.

It’s been seven months now, and as Professor Reynolds rekarks, “If they aren’t telling us what it says, it’s because they don’t want us to know what it says.”

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 31 October 2023: Return To Blender Edition

The Biden Administration has issued its executive order governing the development and use of AI systems. (WhiteHouse.gov)

As you would expect, it's a mix of useless bullshit, impractical bullshit, unconstitutional bullshit, and just, well, bullshit.

Impro Guns - Building a 12 Gauge Pistol

Originally a series on Youtube before the inevitable purge.

Tam at View from the Porch - Good Sleep is a Performance Enhancing Drug

I just listened to a great Tactical Tangents podcast featuring a doctor whose specialty is healthy sleep habits.

The Truth About Guns - We Will Not Comply: Only .1% of Illinois Gun Owners Have Registered Their Newly Banned Guns So Far

According to Illinois State Police data, 2,415,481 gun owners call the Land o’ Lincoln home. Earlier this year, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the so-called Protect Illinois Communities Act into law which banned the most many of the most popular guns used for self-defense. Under the law, existing owners of these now verboten firearms must register their guns by January 1, 2024 or face felony charges.

The Other McCain again - An Addition to the ‘Do Not Date’ List

Having warned you in advance, I bear no liability for whatever psychiatric trauma you may suffer, if you ignore my advice. WARNING: Whatever you do . . .


Intelligent readers always trust my advice. And meanwhile, the less-intelligent readers are frantically clicking my Amazon links trying to order a case of brain bleach, hoping to erase the horrific mental image which, by their foolish choice, they now can never forget.

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