10 November 2023

FBI Investigating Journalist Over Coverage of the Southern Border

I'm shocked that the FBI is more interested in investigating journalists than terrorists and cartels. FBI Repeatedly Door Knocks Home of The Publica’s Investigative Journalist, Demands To Meet Over Reporting on Alleged Hamas Training Camp on US-Mexico Border

OK, I'm not shocked. That there are stupid enough to harass a journalist with friends on video streaming platforms is a little surprising.

The FBI has repeatedly door knocked the home of The Publica’s investigative journalist, Sarah Fields, demanding that she sit down and talk with them about her coverage of an alleged Hamas training camp on the US-Mexico border.

They have been to her home on 17 October and again on 7 November. I guess that means they have all the other crime locked down, including investigating to see if anyone on the Epstein client list is guilty of crimes in this country. Or maybe they don't see that as a priority.

A 13 minute video from The Quartering on the subject is at the following link: The FBI Is Harassing My Employee (Yes Seriously).

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