13 September 2023

Felony Murder in Louisiana

One of the would-be home invaders was shot and killed by the homeowner. Four arrested in deadly Slidell home invasion

The home invasion happened early Tuesday morning on Rue De La Paix. According to investigators, the suspects were armed when they broke into the home. A fight between the suspects, one of the homeowners, and a guest staying at the house ensued. During that fight, a second homeowner grabbed a gun and shot one of the suspects, killing him. The three people inside the home suffered injuries. Two of them were treated at the hospital.

It apparently wasn't a random crime, and the perpetrators knew the people who lived in the home. There are no other details presented.

If you commit a crime, like home invasion, and someone is killed as a direct result of the very predictable consequences of your actions, you should be held accountable. The Left hates this idea, because they hate consequences in general, and consequences for criminals in particular.

Still, the people who've been arrested have been charged with second degree murder. I'm sure that the screeching about how this is unfair will start soon.

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