14 September 2023

Alcohol Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

It can cause you to do stupid stuff. SAPD: Homeowner shoots intoxicated intruder who thought he was at a different home before forcing his way in

Well, intoxicated could mean several things. They can all be hazardous to your health.

Police say a north-side homeowner shot and injured an "intoxicated" man who forced his way in through the back door, thinking he was at a different home down the street. [SNIP]

Police said they believe the back door was locked when the man was able to get into the home.

He got repeated demands to stop, but he forced his way into the home. And he got shot.

The guy who got shot was only shot in the foot, and is expected to be OK. He is somewhat lucky that he didn't get shot in the head or the heart.

No word on if anyone will face charges, though since this happened in Texas I would be quite surprised if they charged the homeowner with anything.

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