12 August 2023

Law Enforcement in Seattle, LA, and Beyond

I'm shocked - Shocked I tell you! - to discover that Seattle, the epicenter of Woke insanity has a problem or two. Who is Lieutenant Jessica Taylor? Retiring Seattle cop exposes city's police department and 'failed leadership'

Okay, so I'm not shocked. Are you? Seattle, LA, Chicago, et al have been vilifying cops for years. Now they have problems.

Lieutenant Jessica Taylor had put in 23 years with Seattle PD. She decided that was enough. Can you blame her?

In a scathing 15-page note, Taylor held Chief Adrian Diaz accountable for a litany of failings, accusing the department of becoming a circus with "boisterous clowns running amok."

Her candid critique extended to the Seattle City Council, which she labeled "absurd." She also called the mayor "spineless," and blasted the prosecutor's office for being overly lenient.

You have to be fairly incensed to write 15 pages. I haven't located that screed, but I'm sure it is out there somewhere. Here's hoping she enjoys the next chapter in her life.

She called Seattle a laughingstock. I wouldn't have been that polite.

Hat tip to Second City Cop: Hire Her. Though personally, I don't think Chicago PD would be much better.

The Other McCain has some observations on this incident, and some general comments on law enforcement in the Blue Cities.

After noting the retirement of Lieutenant Taylor, he considers one of the basic functions of government.

Nothing is more fundamental to the purpose of government than protecting the lives and property of citizens, and yet Seattle and other Democrat-controlled cities seem incapable or unwilling to perform this essential duty.

And in LA, and probably other places as well, the ability to enforce the law is breaking down, due to a lack of police officers to do the work.

Even if the district attorney wanted to send criminals to prison (which he doesn’t, because RAAAAACISM), L.A. now has such a shortage of officers that it’s becoming more difficult to apprehend criminals. The result is what the late Sam Francis described as “anarcho-tyranny”:
Francis’s term “anarcho-tyranny” refers to armed dictatorship without rule of law, or a Hegelian synthesis when the state tyrannically or oppressively regulates citizens’ lives yet is unable or unwilling to enforce fundamental protective law.

There is good info at all of the links.

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