18 August 2023

Friday Links - 18 August

Juliette Ochieng has some reflections on her past, and doing work you don't love. Memories of the First Life, Part 1

I joined the USAF active duty in 1981 and retired from the USAF Reserves in 2003. I had served active duty for thirteen years but separated and came back to LA in 1994 to be near my great-aunt Alma and great-uncle John, both then in their 70s. They were my second set of parents.

The Gateway Pundit - JUST IN: Hunter Biden’s Lead Lawyer Asks to Withdraw from Case After Plea Deal Blows Up

Hunter Biden’s lead lawyer Christopher Clark asked the Delaware judge overseeing Hunter’s case for permission to withdraw from the case after the plea deal fell apart.

Christopher Clark said he could be called as a witness in the future.

Meep at Stump - Taxing Tuesday: SALT cap battles - the New York Republicans make their play

The NY state Democrats are pretty much going to be given a do-over on redistricting in this state, so the 11 Republicans we currently have in the House of Representatives… yeah, after the 2024 election, we probably won’t have 11, unless all sorts of things happen.

The Other McCain - CNN’s Endless Indictment Orgasm

Because my office TV was tuned to CNN today, I got to hear more-or-less endless “reporting” about the Fulton County indictment of Trump. This is all banana republic stuff, a circus performance to excite Democrats and distract the public from Biden’s scandals and general incompetence.

Hogewash! - A Rocket Launch As Seen From The ISS

This time-lapse video was taken from the International Space Station. It shows the launch of a Progress resupply mission.

Again from The Other McCain - Looting Nordstrom and Other Recent News From Zimbabwe, U.S.A.

Once this trend reaches a tipping point — and Jerry Brown’s return to the governorship in 2011 seems to have been the straw that broke the camel’s back in California — the collapse accelerates.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 16 August 20203: Accidental Magnetism Edition

Instagram's Twitter competitor, Threads, broke all records in the speed at which it reached 100 million users. How is it doing now, a couple of weeks later? Usage has plummeted, and Threads now has less than half the active daily users of Twitter. (The Guardian)

This is technically correct, since half a percent is indeed less than half.

Moonbattery - Countermoonbat Boycott Draws Blood From Target

It is not feasible to boycott every company that rams sickness down our throats on behalf of the degenerate ruling class. But regular Americans can inflict serious damage on the most egregious of them, potentially motivating the rest to back off.

Professor David Yamane at Gun Culture 2.0 - Video of Vail Symposium Conversation on Guns and Gun Violence Now Available

Back in June, I participated in a Vail Symposium Conversation on Controversial Issues. The topic of the conversation was gun violence. The event was hosted by historian Clay Jenkinson, with Josh Horwitz from Johns Hopkins and myself serving as the panel.

The Other McCain again - How Do We Manage Compromise?

The country has jacked around. Has for [you pick the number] of years.

We are on the cusp of finding out.

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