14 June 2023

Wednesday Link Roundup - 14 June

Pirate's Cove starts things off with Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Bookworm Room has how to commit the perfect coup.
Bunkerville has passel of fun and mayhem.

Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 06.12.23

Chicago Boyz: “Cricket Morality”
Da Tech Guy: A Very Basic Question that some in the GOP Need to Answer

EBL - Harvard and the Making of the Unibomber

Psychology Today: Ted Kacyznski at Harvard
Kacyznski died in prison today...

The DaleyGator - Daily Top 5

Is the Trump Indictment Part of Biden’s 2024 Strategy?
Joe Biden is not a harmless old man just shuffling about in office. The Right would do well to pay attention when he says the quiet parts out loud.

Political Hat - News of the Week (June 11th, 2023)

Heads up: Important climate change “Save That Date” in 17 days
We’re all done for. Bet you forgot.
The totalitarian roots of the anti-human environmentalist cult

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 13 June 2023: Written In Bloody Crayon Edition

Microsoft Edge sends the images you view online back to Microsoft. (NeoWin)
That is not good.
It's supposedly so that Microsoft can apply AI upscaling, which is as much a thing I asked for as...

Bacon Time!!!! - Sunday Linkage

The Air Vent - Post-Industrial Science
Watts Up With That? - Anthony on Fox News – AOC is wrong for ‘spieling’ Canadian wildfire hysteria

Small Dead Animals - Sunday On Turtle Island

The Gay tyranny in America. Can Trump clean the Augean stables? Unmasking the CDC’s medical CIA. A manufactured process crime. Your morning meme.
Global Warming Scam News: Socialism destroys the environment.

Vlad Tepes - Excess deaths continue to stony silence, Ikwan influence and a couple of items on Friday’s protest in Ottawa: Links 1 for June 12th, 2023

3. Lipstadt: Aware of CAIR’s antisemitic past, giving them a chance to overcome
4. EU Youth Event on Race Led by NGO Linked to Muslim Brotherhood

Cafe Hayek - Some Links

David Henderson highlights several instances of Wall Street Journal columnist James Mackintosh’s deep misunderstanding of the case for free markets.

A View from the Beach - Flotsam and Jetsam - Burisma's Biden Bribes Recorded? Topless Trans at White House

Also at TNP, Who is ‘Jack Smith’? Biden’s ‘Special Counsel’ Lives Abroad, Married an Obama Devotee Linked to Soros, Clinton. In other words, an average DC gutter rat.

Gates of Vienna - News Feed 6/13/2023

Senators Question FBI on Warrantless Surveillance
The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing Tuesday on renewing a key intelligence tool. Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) is under the microscope.

Don Surber - Highlights of the news

ITEM 2: Phil Holloway reported, “Biden admin is preparing to target Americans' gas furnaces amid stove crackdown ‘40-60% of the current residential furnaces on the market currently would be prohibited under the proposed regulation.’”

Maggie's Farm - Monday morning links

Maddow Admits It's Really About Getting Trump Out of Race
Thoughts On The Federal Trump Indictment: It's Shockingly Weak

J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report — 6/13/23

"America’s premier intelligence service has a fundamental design flaw."
Imperial Blowback and the CIA’s ‘Tainted Source’

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: Ukrainian oil exec secretly recorded Joe and Hunter Biden negotiating bribes

• 🚨Let's apply the Jack Smith standard to Biden and Hillary Clinton: Elizabeth Stauffer
• This Is Your City On Democrats: Philadelphia: Battle Swarm

Anonymous Conservative - News Briefs – 06/12/2023

James Comer: The Biden family had 20 shell companies.
Hunter Biden’s suspicious email on Ukraine raises RED FLAGS for classified doc probe.

I leave you with Sunday Funnies For 06-11-23 from Stately McDaniel Manor, Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1147, from 90 Miles from Tyranny, Squeezing Out An Over Night MEME Dump... from The Feral Irishman and Tuesday's gifs from Wirecutter.

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