15 June 2023

The Calif. Media Can't Imagine Pro-LGBTQ Messages Can Be Hate

But you don't completely key someone's car out of love or tolerance. Car keyed with hateful and pro-LGBTQ messages in Glendale

The headline should read something like "Leftist supporter or member of LGBTQ+ Community Keys Car in Hate Crime." The "a car was keyed" phrase is especially annoying. No one did it. It just happened. Like the sun coming up in the morning, or the change of seasons, no person was responsible.

Police said the car had been keyed on the hood, the passenger's side, the rear panel of the car and the roof. On the hood was etched a derogatory term for those of Armenian descent, according to police. Also carved into the car were phrases like "It's OK to be Queer," "stop hating," and others.

Ah, the peaceful tolerant Left. "Think exactly what we tell you to think, or we will destroy your property." The very definition of fascism. They are not anti-fascist just because they say they are. Not when they act like fascists a lot of the time. (Most of the time? All of the time?)

From another story, we learn the following:

Glendale has one of the nation’s largest populations of people of Armenian descent.

But according to the geniuses in the media working in and around Los Angeles, the LGBTQ-lmnop community is a collection of victims, by definition. They can't be the perpetrators of hate crimes. The cognitive dissonance must be severe over this story. An LGBTQ-eieio community member, or an "ally," has perpetrated a hate crime, and media doesn't know how to report on it.

But then they are journalists, not geniuses.

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