15 June 2023

Comics Aren't Dead, Marvel/DC Are Dead - ISOM #2

Or they are dying, anyway. Some new comic books are doing quite well.

If you only get info about the state of the comic book industry by reading the comic-book press, you read very little about Eric July, ISOM, Yaira, Alphacore, or the rest. Eric July Launches Another Smashing Success For The Rippaverse With 'Isom #2,' Nearly $1 Million Sold In 48 Hours - Bounding Into Comics

As far as the coverage of ISOM #1 was concerned, a Bing News search returns exactly 1 entry from 2022, discussing the problems he had with PayPal. (They decided he was a scam and tried to "steal" several hundred-thousand bucks.) If you switch to Google you get a handful of negative reviews of the first book.

So it is a little refreshing to see even 1 news article on the success of the launch of ISOM #2. As I type this, the campaign, which includes 3 cover variations of the book, the option to get them CGC graded, a poster, some T-shirts, etc., has reached $1.265 million. That includes the sale of 17,593 books sold. All of that is in a little over 48 hours, and during that time, the website was overloaded/crashed/offline for about 20 hours.

Last year, Eric July made history with the launch of his comic, Isom #1, which not only made over $3.7 million in sales with more pre-orders than most Marvel and DC Comics sell, but the campaign also drew media attention from the likes of Glenn Beck and Fox News.

Well, the inclusion of the likes of Beck and Fox News are enough to explain why the Left can't stand Eric. (He is a black man who doesn't agree with everything the Left says he has to agree with. In other words, he's a heretic, and has been banished from the cult.)

When it was announced earlier in the month that legendary comic writer Chuck Dixon would be joining the Rippaverse for a team book called Alphacore, fans also rejoiced at the prospect of new superhero stories from a man long blacklisted by mainstream companies.

Chuck Dixon, for those of you who don't know, wrote for DC comics for years, mostly on the Batman series. He was the person who introduced the character of Bane. He had the nerve to express some "classical liberal" views, and so he was outlawed. I'm glad that he is, maybe, finding a new home at the Rippaverse.

This is the animated trailer for ISOM #2. You can see that maybe some animated feature is in the future, once the first story arc is complete. You can find the ISOM #2 at Rippaverse.com

Marvel and DC are dying because they are concentrating on Woke indoctrination, and not storytelling. Characters that no one cares about, mostly because they can't be bothered to develop the characters, they are just cardboard cutouts: Strong Female Character, Evil White Man, Stupid White Man, Genius Black Woman Engineer, etc. (This applies to both the movies and the comics.)

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