30 June 2023

Another Failure of the Victim-selection Process

He apparently thought it was a good idea to break into an occupied home. Suspected home intruder shot by Colorado Springs resident, dies

Around 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, the Colorado Springs Police Department responded to a burglary on Nebula Court, in the Bear Creek neighborhood. The homeowner told police that an unknown man entered his home. Police say the homeowner then shot the person, who fled the home.

Cops found him, and took him to a local hospital, but he died from his injuries.

The investigation continues, but this appears to me to be self-defense. The DA will decide, and they typically hate self-defense.


  1. "The DA will decide, and they typically hate self-defense."
    Too frickkin' bad, Mr. Clueless DA. Don't bother trying to adjudicate something that will clearly be overthrown by a higher, more sane, court.
    If he does, the voters need to toss out his @$$.

    1. This kind of thing falls under the heading "the process is the punishment."

      Time in jail. Loss of income. Loss of home. Legal expenses. Etc.

    2. Sad truth is, NOTHING will stop a corrupt DA except the violence he lets slide while he prosecutes innocents comes to his doorstep in the night. Like it or not it IS coming, harden the heart, sharpen the axe and pray.

  2. NEVER call the cops on yourself. Clean your weapon and be thankful the trash took itself out. The tin-starred lackeys are literally the only reason our politicians and courts wield the insane powers they do. They are NOT to be trusted nor relied upon. If you don't believe me, you are either willfully ignorant, haven't been paying attention the last 10 years or you're suffering from normalcy bias. None of those conditions will save you anymore than the courts or its flunkies will.


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