26 May 2023

France in the 1930s versus America Today

From David Foster at Chicago Boyz - An Unexpected Defeat

The French defeat by the Germans in 1940 was not what most people think it was.

This campaign has never received much attention in America; it tends to be regarded as something that happened before the “real” war started. Indeed, many denizens of the Anglosphere seem to believe that the French basically gave up without a fight–which is a considerable exaggeration given the French casualties of around 90,000 killed and 200,000 wounded. But I think the fall of France deserves serious study, and that some of the root causes of the defeat are scarily relevant to today’s world.

The political landscape in France of the 1930s was poisonous.

Many military factors were involved in the defeat–obsolete doctrine on armored forces, inadequate use of radio communications, a strange and cumbersome military organization structure. But the roots of the 1940 debacle are not to be found only–or perhaps even primarily–in strictly military matters. A major role was played by certain characteristics of French society and politics of the time–and some of these factors are spookily similar to things that are going on in America today.

Political Parties hated each other more than they hated the Germans. That is only one example that resonates today.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the middle of reading William L. Shirer's 'The Collapse of the Third Republic,' so this resonates with me. With the corruption of leadership and the hollowing-out of our military in all aspects, I suspect we will be savaged when TPTB decide it's time to sweep America up. And if it is somehow possible, it will take much blood and what treasure we have left to redeem the Founding vision for this country. I'm not optimistic.


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