30 April 2023

Relationship Advice from The Other McCain

Since his marriage has lasted longer than most, and longer than any of my relationships, I'm not going to argue with him, even though I really want to. No Man Has Ever ‘Won’ an Argument With His Wife (Prove Me Wrong)

Everything you need to know about love, you can learn from old R&B tunes, unless you’d prefer to learn it from old country-and-western songs. What the Temptations were laying down in 1966 has stood the test of time because it’s the absolute truth.

There are ruminations on the NFL Draft (Mr. McCain is a Patriots fan, in the original fanatic meaning of the word), as well as the trials and tribulations of a certain YouTube personality.

Y’all need to listen to some old Motown records and chill out. That may not sound like “tradcon” advice, but it sure is better than getting divorced over an argument about your dog. Prove me wrong.

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