08 January 2023

Liberal Racism

Rep. Adam B. Coleman calls out a Leftist. Cori Bush, a liberal racist against Republicans 'blacking wrong'

Liberals feel free to use racial slurs against blacks, as long as those blacks are Republican.

As America has become less tolerant of racist language and behavior, there’s still one widely accepted reason to publicly call black people any racial slur imaginable or ridicule them for “misbehaving” specifically because they’re black — and that’s if they have an R next to their name.

Progressives like Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) consistently exploit this racial loophole when they find it politically expedient. And in the midst of a tumultuous House speaker race, like a reflex, Bush couldn’t help herself, verbalizing her disgust for Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) suddenly being floated as a candidate.

It isn't only racial minorities of course. Gays, Women, Lesbians, and probably a host of others I can't think of right now. If you are what the Left considers "a minority" and you don't think and act exactly the way that they want you to, then you are stupid, deluded, self-hating, ...

"Shut up and do what we tell you!" they explained.

Of course, this speech isn’t the hate speech the mainstream media and left-wing politicians have in mind when advocating censorship on Big Tech since to them racism against black conservatives isn’t really racism — because they aren’t really black.

The people who would call someone like Byron Donalds a “house n—-er” for not being in lockstep with the Democratic Party truly believe they are morally superior and black people’s allies.

Anyway click thru for the details, including how Bush tried to backpedal when she got called out.

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