29 October 2022

Not the Sharpest Tools in the Shed

They killed one of their own while committing a home invasion. How would you describe them? Arkansas men facing murder charges in September Camden shooting

Friendly fire? With friends like this...

A husband, wife, and a two-year-old child were at home when a group of miscreants appeared at the back door to the home.

Here is how the crime went down:

The wife was ordered to get on the ground at gunpoint and the suspects allegedly fired several rounds into the home. After learning that the homeowner was armed, the suspects fled the scene. The victims exited the residence and found [Andretti] Austin, who was an additional suspect, dead on the property.

From that statement I believe that the dead guy was shot by one of his companions while they were on their way in. That is a failure of safe gun-handling, which is stupid. There are varying numbers of rules, depending on who you talk to, but the 4 rules that most people cite, would keep this kind of thing from happening.

Anyway, four adults were eventually arrested.

On Wednesday, October 26, 2022, officials confirmed that 18-year-old Keaton Arnold, 23-year-old Tyrese Henry, 22-year-old Carlton Henry, and 22-year-old Zykeial Gulley are each facing charges of 36 counts of committing a terroristic act, aggravated residential burglary, first-degree battery, two counts of aggravated assault and capital murder.

A death occurred as a foreseeable consequence of their actions while they were committing a felony. The lawyers call that by different names in different places, but most of us non-lawyer-types call that Felony Murder.

The Left will be screeching about that is not fair in a matter of minutes. Hold people accountable for the consequences of their actions? What next, individual responsibility of funding retirement?

Being armed in your own defense is not a guarantee that nothing bad will happen. The homeowner was shot. But his being armed is why they left, or do you think they would have left living witnesses behind to testify against them?

In addition to the 4 men listed above, there are two juveniles who were detained with regards to the this incident.

Self-defense is a human-right.

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