23 September 2022

Does Anyone Find It Strange that the FBI Stopped Reporting on Crime in 2020?

The last data released are for 2019. A preliminary report was released and then a final report in the fall of 2020. There was no data released in 2021 for 2020 - just as things were going crazy - and there has been no preliminary data for 2021 released.

They have a reason, of course. (They're bureaucrats - they cover their bases.) Estimates Will Help Fill in Crime Statistics Gap: Transition to NIBRS crime statistics ongoing.

The reason for the change is that not every law enforcement agency in the U.S. has successfully moved to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) for reporting their crime data to the FBI. With support from the FBI, some agencies have been reporting crime statistics via NIBRS for more than 20 years. After the CJIS Advisory Policy Board adopted the recommendation in 2015 to retire the traditional Summary Reporting System and transition to the more comprehensive NIBRS by January 2021, more agencies made the switch to NIBRS reporting. Every state is now NIBRS compliant and can accept NIBRS data. A few major cities, however, are still working on the transition.

So a "few of the major cities," where crime is no doubt running rampant, have not been able to make a transition to a new reporting system over the past 20 years, while a lot of, or most, of the small jurisdictions have navigated that migration. Sure. I believe that. I mean it isn't like the large organizations have dedicated IT staff that the small organizations have, or the budget for stuff like managing IT systems for reporting crime.

I mean it couldn't be that some of those "major cities" have been sandbagging the effort for 20 years because they don't want to report actual crime figures to the FBI, could it? Organizations like Chicago PD or NYPD wouldn't "cook the books" to make themselves (and their political masters) look good, would they?

So we should get some "estimates" later in the fall. I'm sure those will be good-faith representations of the real world, and not a coordinated effort to make the Blue Cities look better than they really are. That would never happen.

If a crime happens in Manhattan, and Alvin Bragg doesn't prosecute, is there any Justice in the city?

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