31 August 2022

Self-defense Is Legal Even Against Family

The gun-hating part of the Left loves to go on at length about how owning a gun makes it likely you will shoot someone you know. There is a reason for that. 'Acting in self-defense': DA drops brother vs. brother post-wedding shooting case

Threats were made. Guns were involved. And even in Pennsylvania the rule of law has to be upheld.

"After a careful review of the facts, evidence, and applicable case law, this Office determined that it could not meet its ethical burden of “beyond a reasonable doubt”, as Mr. Cutchall was acting in self-defense," District Attorney spokesman Kyle King wrote in a statement.

This incident took place in June, so the DA moved fairly quickly to make this determination.

While in this case the "person you know" was a close relative. When the Left talks about people you know, they want to you think of close relatives, but you know the creep who hangs out at your favorite coffee shop, or the coworker who has decided that you are his soulmate, and other people who are not you siblings. Violent stalkers, ex-boyfriends, estranged spouses, etc. The list is quite long. Of course the relationships are only highlighted by the media when it is something like the one in this incident.

Self-defense is a human-right. It might even be your legal right in Pennsylvania.

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