12 July 2022

Tuesday Links - 12 July

William Teach of Pirate's Cove is up first with Without Federal Intervention Green Energy Will Whither Or Something. Funny how Green Tech always leads to .gov control of everything.

So, basically, the Government needs to build them, and pay for the monetary loss incurred with the batteries. Because why would the private sector build them if they are going to lose money? These energy companies are making nice bank on the expensive cost of the wind turbines and solar farms. I will say, though, that I have said for a long time that if the feds want to spend taxpayer money on the “green” stuff (I’ve also stated many times that I am in favor of clean energy), spend it on research and development.

From The Other McCain we get word that Steve Bannon Gets SWATted

SWATting is not a “prank.” People can get killed.

The Federalist - The Decline Of The American Work Ethic Will Exacerbate The Oncoming Recession

Not enough Americans are willing to work. The labor force participation rate remains well below its pre-pandemic standard. In fact, were labor participation today the same as when the pandemic began, the unemployment rate would be 5.5 percent. It’s only 3.6 percent because fewer people are working or actively looking for work.

The Gateway Pundit - Democrats Being Democrats: Authorities Investigating After Feces Sent in the Mail to All 25 Ohio GOP State Senators. Keep it classy Democrats. Oh, and it's a federal crime.

All 25 Ohio Republican State Senators were sent feces in the mail this week.

Again from The Other McCain - The Role of Controlled Opposition in Manufacturing Phony ‘Consensus’

Most conservatives, I believe, are familiar with liberal arguments because how could you possibly avoid them? They’re everywhere in the media. But because the media suppresses conservative dissent — in part through the manufactured consensus in which phony “conservatives” like David Brooks play a crucial role — most liberals are never exposed to articulate or coherent presentation of the conservative point of view. Therefore, liberals imagine that anyone who votes Republican must be ignorant or motivated by bad faith — “racism,” greed or whatever.

American Thinker - ‘All your child are belong to us’

No Democrat has actually said “all your child are belong to us,” but every time I read a story about the Democrat push to sever the parent-child relationship, I’m reminded of that long ago Japanese video game with the horrible translation: “All your base are belong to us.” Beginning with Lenin, all totalitarian takeovers have involved co-opting children and breaking them away from their families. We’re seeing this with a vengeance in the medical field, where children as young as 12 can make unilateral medical decisions—including destroying their bodies with dangerous hormones and mutilating surgery.

Chicago Contrarian - Ken Griffin Divorces Chicago. More on the Citadel hedge fund moving from Chicago to Miami.

While Lightfoot screams obscenities at a Supreme Court justice, the city under her aegis descended into a hellscape, as if to confirm Griffin’s decision and quash any lingering doubts he may have had about relocating.

Ken Griffin made a rational decision to leave Chicago. Griffin can no longer expose his employees to the crime wave that is tormenting the city. Griffin is also aware also that the city and state government haven’t lifted a finger to put the city and state on a healthier financial footing.

And finally Wombat-socho with FMJRA 2.0: Shamanic Tales. Of the many things I don't understand...

This week was better than last week for my Senators, who are still bedeviled by injuries and just plan bad luck. We ground out two wins against the A’s, both in extra innings, and then got blown away by the Red Sox in two games at Fenway.

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