01 June 2022

“A Special Kind of Evil”

According to The Left, keeping violent criminals in jail is unfair. It is certainly unfair to the victims. #22: Man accused of setting 'Walking Man' on fire has been AWOL from 2 felony cases for 15 months, court records show - CWB Chicago

He poured gasoline on the head of a "well-known homeless man," known as Walking Man, in River North (at the Trump Tower loading dock) and set him on fire.

Joseph Guardia, the man who police say set a well-known homeless man on fire in River North last week, has been wanted by authorities since February 2021 when he stopped showing up in court for two felony burglary cases in the suburbs, court records show.

Guardia is the 22nd person accused of killing or shooting — or trying to shoot or kill — someone in Chicago this year while awaiting trial for a felony. The alleged crimes involve at least 50 victims, 11 of whom died.

Say it again. 11 people have died on the altar of Social Justice just in 2022 in Chicago. What would the count be if you looked at all the other cities and states that consider holding people on bail to be unfair?

This will soon be a 1st degree murder case.

Joseph Kromelis, 75, was on fire for about three minutes before security guards extinguished the flames, Assistant State’s Attorney Danny Hanichak said. Hanichak, a prosecutor for 16 years, told Judge Charles Beach he had never seen video footage as horrific as the attack on Kromelis. Doctors believe Kromelis’ injuries are not survivable, he said.

At least they are finally holding him, after he killed someone. ‘A special kind of evil’: No bail for man who allegedly set ‘Walking Man’ on fire.

The suburban man who poured gasoline on the head of Joseph “Walking Man” Kromelis and set it afire near a Trump Tower loading dock told police he did it because he is an “angry person,” prosecutors said Monday.

There is at least one real prosecutor left in the Illinois State's Attorney's office for Cook County, Danny Hanichak.

“It takes a special kind of evil to do what this defendant did,” Hanichak said. “Leaving him to burn alive for three minutes.”

While there has always been evil in the world, the fabric of civilization seems to be wearing thin, to the point where evil is free to do more harm.


Things like this bring to mind "The Second Coming" by W. B. Yeats. Here is part of the first stanza:

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

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