14 April 2022

Someone Broke Into His Son's Bedroom

Parents are supposed to protect their families. What would you have done? Police: Homeowner shoots man in attempted burglary

Police report that a father woke up to the sound of glass breaking in the bedroom of his young son and near the front door of their apartment. The father got his firearm and opened his bedroom door.

The intruder was standing in the hallway. He was shot several times including in the neck and the chest.

The still-unidentified break-in suspect was transported to Vanderbilt Hospital and is suffering from life-threatening injuries. He is currently unconscious, intubated, in surgery and in critical condition.

Police say it could take weeks for the man to wake up, if he does at all.

He apparently thought it was a good idea to break into an occupied home.

This story also brings up the issue of over-penetration by your ammo of choice.

Several bullets that missed [the subject] also traveled into the apartment across the hallway.

That could have injured neighbors. If you live an apartment that is something to be aware of.

Defense of self-and family is a human-right.


  1. Replies
    1. Easy to say. Tough to do with adrenaline running through your system.


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