11 April 2022

Media Finally Finds LEOs Not Soiling Themselves Over Constitutional Carry

OMG!!! Constitutional Carry in Ohio! The Sky. Is. Falling. Or something. NOW they tell us: Media finally willing to quote law enforcement supportive of permitless carry in Ohio | Buckeye Firearms Association

Leaving aside (at least for now) the irony of the same media that have spent the past several years ginning up every instance of (or supposed instance of) law enforcement brutality or abuse having automatically taken everything these same law enforcement groups said about SB 215 as gospel truth, I have still found it interesting, now that the law has passed, to see what actual rank and file law enforcement officers saying about this new law.

Constitutional Carry takes effect on June 12th of this year. If you listened to the media, it sounded like LEOs everywhere are hiding under their beds.

This same thing happened back in 2004 when we got Ohio's first concealed carry law passed.

Law enforcement bureaucrats were given an over-emphasis by media who wanted to stop the bill from becoming law, but their warnings and fears never materialized, and many in law enforcement later admitted that they had been wrong.

But then the media and the Democrats (but I repeat myself) hate and fear guns. Mostly fear, I think.

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