14 April 2022

Kamala Will Probably Be Our Next President

Not that I believe she can win an election. She can inherit the job.

What a mess we are in. Kamala Has a Clueless Word Salad That Might Make Your Head Hurt.

However, one of the few things that might be holding off some people from screaming “25th Amendment” about Joe Biden is that Kamala Harris as President would be the result.

Now, I go back and forth a bit on it, because however bad she is, at least she isn’t as completely out of her mind as Joe Biden. She’s not talking about meeting long-dead Amtrak conductors and making up stories about how she used to be a truck driver. But that said, Harris may be the only person who can rival Joe Biden for the number of concerning gaffes.

Click thru. (Hat tip A View from the Beach.)

That isn't all of course. This could go on for a while. Listen to Kamala Harris’ Brilliant Answer When Asked What the Biden Admin is Doing to Combat Inflation.

What I can say is that people deserve to know that their president, that our administration, is concerned enough to do something about it, so that is what we are doing.

There's more if you can take it.

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