12 March 2022

A Ukrainian Victory in Suburban Kyiv

From The Other McCain - Ukraine Smashes Tank Column Near Kyiv, Kills Commander of Russian Regiment.

The video is some of the best “war porn” we’ve seen yet ...

It appears that the Ukrainians hit the lead tank in the Russian column, then hit the last tank in the column, and were beginning to take out the tanks in between when the entire column made a hasty U-turn and headed back east. Some are saying the Ukrainians were using artillery, while others share my opinion that Javelin antitank missiles did the most damage, but regardless of what weapons the Ukrainians used, the Russian tactics were an invitation to disaster.

Go take a look. There is a lot of information, even if you are not interested in watching the video. Including my favorite comment from Robert Stacy McCain:

Our “intelligence community” really isn’t very intelligent.

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