01 February 2022

Struggling With Windows 10 Reset

It was long overdue, but I guess I knew I was putting it off. I finally did a Windows 10 Reset with the cloud download option.

It isn't that anything went wrong, but the process deletes all of your applications. Because Microsoft wants you to believe that you would be better off with everything they have. Except of course, I have a different opinion.

The upshot of all this is that I may not be posting as usual this week, while I get the apps reinstalled. I have a some posts scheduled for the next day or so, maybe no one will notice.

Most are easy, but one item related to the NVIDIA driver for the graphics card did not get reinstalled, and I can't seem to find it. My graphics card is old enough, I'm not holding out much hope for getting anything out of support.

It may be about time to order that PC from System 76 I've been dreaming about, and put Windows in my rear-view.


  1. Unless you need a specific Windows-based application, Linux is the way to go.

    And no need to buy a new system to run Linux, though System76 is nice, as you can easily install any flavor of Linux on your current PC.

    1. The PC I am currently using is beyond its specified life. My last PC got struck by lightning, basically. A lighting strike in my neighbor's yard took out the PC, the monitor, and the Roku in the living room. Even though they were all on surge suppressors.

      So I bought this PC in a rush. It is Microcenter's house brand. It uses all name-brand parts, mostly, but I never expected to keep it this long.

      As for Linux, that is the next step. A refresh of Windows - with the current level of cloud support - is an easy out. Set it up, and go to bed. Wake up in the AM and start installing apps. I have just about everything set up. Still need to install the Vivaldi, and Brave browsers. (After Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Pale Moon. Yes, I do need all of them for testing a few things.)

      And then I will trip over things for week or so. I haven't reinstalled Exact Audio Copy because my CD collection is already in FLAC, or the video editing SW I was using. Not editing video this week.

  2. Shame on me
    I recently bought a new laptop with Win 10 NAD "S mode" (without knowing what s mode was)
    Yup, Microsoft is going down the tubes fast.

    1. You can disable S-mode, or so I'm told...

    2. I did disable s mode, but I'm hurt that you aren't reading my blog...........

    3. I haven't been reading anyone's blog much, but I'm hoping Feb will be better than Jan. It isn't starting out to look good...


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