14 December 2021

How's That Bail Reform Working Out?

Not so good for the injured store clerk. #57: Man shot store clerk while on bond for felony gun case, prosecutors say - CWB Chicago

Prosecutors on Friday charged 20-year-old Major Traylor with shooting a food store employee last month while on bond for a felony gun case. Three weeks later, before police arrested him for the shooting, Traylor pleaded guilty to the gun case in exchange for a sentence of “first time gun offender probation.”

He is the 57th person accused of killing, trying to kill, or shooting someone in Chicago this year while awaiting trial for a felony. A total of 83 victims are involved in those crimes.

Because keeping violent offenders in jail is unfair.


  1. How's it working?

    For the dimwits who vote for the left: not so great.

    For the people who are elected: it's working great. They are creating the state of anarcho-tryanny that they want.

  2. "Bail reform", is just white-hating racism by another name, it's an assault on traditional white society, and along with all the other assaults it's working out fine.


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