04 November 2021

Rats, Meet Sinking Ship

When the Progressives are calling for more law and order, you know it is bad. "Sinking ship": Even progressive prosecutors leave, call for San Fran DA's recall.

San Francisco is plagued by one of the non-prosecuting District Attorneys elected with the help of George Soros.

How bad is it in SF?

The DA fired most of the law and order prosecutors when he was elected. Lately the progressive prosecutors are leaving in disgust. The office headcount has decreased by one third.

No one expects San Francisco to elect a conservative to the post. However, even progressives want crime punished, if for no other reason than to keep their other social-justice programs afloat. With retailers closing locations and filth literally running in the streets, San Francisco has become unlivable to the point where those with the resources to leave have either done so or will shortly enough. The tax base that remains won’t pay for much, and the “sinking ship” threatens to ruin any prospect for progressive expansion, even in deep-blue California. Eventually, public-safety collapses generate a harsh reaction, and that may already be building in San Francisco and other urban areas.

It isn't all the fault of the prosecutor. The state has also had a role in things like decriminalizing shoplifting, which has resulted in an exodus (begining anyway) of retail.

And so the people of San Francisco are calling for a recall on the DA. But even if they elect someone who wants to enforce the law, it will be years before they can undo the damage. (Hat tip to Wirecutter.)

1 comment:

  1. You really hve tro thank thew DA. Had the declinebeenmore gradual, it would be easier to dimiss tha decline of the City by the Bay as just the memories of "Old Timers". This DA had a "Go For Broke" attitude that made the failure and the cause very obvious to the average resident. Even "Oakland-II" is too much to hope for. It is almost as if they despise the workers and little businesses that made up that city.

    The city always had a mix of people and neighborhoods. Now there is crap and closed shops everywhere. Those who own homes are going to take it in the neck when they leave. Maybe the real estate people will benefit, or the long haul investors, but "pretty scenery" only gets you so far. After the life along the streets is replaced with tent "hovels", a high-rise is a high-rise. Buy a poster.


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