27 October 2021

Do You Doubt That Fauci Is a Monster?

He certainly funded monstrous research. Fauci funded researchers to infect, tie down beagles to be eaten alive by sandflies - Rebel News

In the experiments, which were performed at a North African laboratory, hungry sandflies feasted on still-living beagles whose heads were locked in mesh cages. The dogs reportedly had their vocal cords severed to prevent them from annoying “researchers.”

What purpose could this possibly serve? What did we learn from torturing beagles to death?

The White Coat Waste Project points out that the Food and Drug Administration does not require such drugs to be tested on dogs, and raises questions as to why such research was even needed in the first place.

More "questions from Congress." I don't expect anything to happen to Fauci. The worst thing that could happen is he retires, and collects his pension, and he gets some book deal, like "How Trump forced me to torture Beagles to death"


  1. There must be a special Hell for Fauci

  2. what he needs is to be shot or hung by the neck until dead. I be good either way.
    a hell of a lot kinder than what he did to those dogs.

  3. Fauci is Josef Mengele reincarnated. He NEEDS to die.


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