15 October 2021

Cops Are Leaving Chicago

Can you blame them? Burnout And Low Turnout Of Applicants Leaving CPD With Officer Shortage; ‘People Don’t Want To Be The Police’

Chicago police officers aren’t only retiring in record numbers, many are leaving the big city department for smaller ones.

It’s contributing to an officer shortage that many city leaders believe will only get worse before it gets better.

The politicians are cooking the books, when it comes to vacancies in the department, but the real number is that they are down about 1600 officers.

You can't, as the politicians (including Superintendent Brown) in Chicago think that they can, continually cancel days-off, demand extra hours and extra shifts, and not have people burn out.

There is some good info in that article, but it is most interesting for the interview with a ex-Chicago PD member, who now polices in a smaller department.

Hat tip to The Post Millennial, and Gates of Vienna.

1 comment:

  1. I have not been able to figure out why anyone would apply for a police job anywhere after Ferguson. That was the beginning of the frenzy of police hate that has debilitated law enforcement nationwide. I know that there are bad police officers and there are dumb police officers. It is a very difficult job and very few people can do it. I have unlimited respect for those who are sincere in their efforts to protect others. Those Officers are highly qualified to do any number of other things that pay a lot more and I can’t understand why anyone is still putting the uniform on every day.


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