30 September 2021

Stupidity or Malice?

Are people that stupid to throw lit cigarettes out of a car, or was this intentional? Fire Investigators Looking Into Possible Connection Between Rio Linda Fire And Suspicious Fires

Arson investigators determined it was likely started from a discarded cigarette along the roadway.

I lived in California 35 years ago, and even back then they were telling people not to be stupid enough to throw burning cigarettes out of car windows. Still, driving around the countryside, you would see huge burn scars from where some idiot did exactly that.

But with the news of all fires, all the time, is it really stupidity, or, like the shaman who was setting fires, is this deliberate. (See below.)

I usually say that stupidity is more frightening than malice, because there are only a handful of true evil-doers, and they only get up to no good from time to time, but stupidity is not in short supply. But these fires seem to be the product of malice. At least some of them.

Case in point, from The Other McCain, we have the story of the scientific shaman from California. Crazy People Are Dangerous

Say hello to Alexandra Souverneva, a 30-year-old California woman whom the Monterey Herald describes as a “scientist,” because she has a bachelor’s degree from California Institute of Technology and later enrolled in a Ph.D. program. However, Souverneva describes herself as a “shaman,” which is relevant to the criminal charges against her.

The shaman is accused of starting one of the California wild fires. Gee, you mean it wasn't the result of Global Warming Climate Change? The reason that Robert Stacy McCain doesn't want to call her a scientist - which is what the media is calling her - is due to the fact that she claimed she was starting the fire to boil bear piss so she could drink it.

What? You wouldn’t drink a puddle of bear urine, even after it was boiled? Don’t you believe in science? Ask any shaman about this.

By the way, police say a search of Souverneva’s backpack found “a green, leafy substance she admitted to smoking that day” — entirely legal in California, of course — and no self-respecting shaman would pass up a chance to smoke “a green, leafy substance.” Because science.

Click thru for the whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. These days such fires are far less likely to be accidental and far more likely to be deliberate. Both leftists and muzzies view arson as an acceptable weapon in their war on America.


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