30 September 2021

Another Fake Hate Crime

This does not accomplish what they think it accomplishes. (With appologies to Iñigo Montoya.) Hate crime? Black man arrested for ‘n-word’ graffiti, swastikas at Emory University

In August, someone painted several racist and offensive slurs on a building at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Police have just arrested a black man for the crime.

And as for keeping the public informed...

Police reports indicate that Emory officials became aware that the actor was a black man in early August, but never informed the campus or the press. This allowed the belief that the crime was racially motivated to perpetuate.

Because how would admitting that the hate-crime was mostly a hoax advance the narrative. No telling how he really feels about Jews; that may have been actual hate.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Dim-wit was trying to explain why he has always been a failure. As might be expected, the problem was all in his head. Emory will save the day with a previously unknown addition to Critical Race Theory that claims that misbehavior by Blacks is the residual of prior "White" domination. They may even try to use this as the basis for a research grant proposal on the pervasive nature of White domination of Blacks on the lower skills and intelligence of that group.

    Mostly, I suspect, that they will ignore the problem and go on as before. Fortunately, this just involved ghetto grafitti and not physical attacks on innocent individuals.


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