24 April 2021

A Word From Second City Cop

Big tech, media and few others - it isn't clear - forced SCC off the web by threatening their annoymity. They were making the Democrats look bad. Well no, the Democrats were doing that on their own, but SCC was shining a light on it. Second City Cop Addresses Chicago | Chicago Contrarian

There are choices words for a number of the powerful in Chicago, but I will only hightlight the dig at Crimesha, that would be Illinois State's Attorney Kim Foxx, and her bumbling band of lawyers. (Don't call them prosecutors! They don't prosecute!)

Crimesha has relegated her entire office to being a criminal’s BFF. If you follow the CWB blog (still a daily read for us) a number of articles aren’t just about criminals out on “affordable bails” that are shooting and killing rivals along with a few innocent bystanders – it's about rapists who should be on electronic monitoring not even showing up to be lo-jacked, and then going out and raping again. Personally, there ought to be a bracelet of C-4 wrapped around their waist and detonated if they so much as approach a woman, but Crimesha seems happy to have them just out raping again.

There is more about that once-great-city, which is seeing a resurgance of crime not seen in years, mostly because of the policies of the Democrats in charge. (It has not quite been 100 years since there was a Republican mayor of Chicago. Not quite.)

Hat tip to HeyJackass!

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