01 March 2021

Don't Threaten Cops With a Knife

As The Other McCain has noted: COPS SHOOT WHITE CRIMINALS, TOO. And Crazy Peopl are Dangerous.

If you threaten cops with a knife, well they have guns. Though with 2 officers on scene, maybe the jurisdiction in question should consider Tasers. Though the Left hate Tasers. And beanbag rounds, and rubber bullets, and...

Since the guy who got shot was white, and survived, there were no riots, no CNN propaganda to advance some anti-police agenda.

The PoliceActivity channel on YouTube is quite interesting. Bodycam Shows Hollister Officer Shoot Suspect Armed With Knife.

This incident took place in December of 2020, hence the Christmas tree. The bodycam footage was released on February 26th.


  1. Why only one shot? Anyone worth shooting once is worth shooting several times

    1. Not for cops, they have to deal with Monday morning QBs


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