23 January 2021

What Is Going On In DC?

A very good question from The Other McCain: Why Are National Guard Still in D.C.?

The people who rioted at the Capitol on Jan. 6 have been arrested on federal charges. Some of them may still be fugitives at large, but insofar as the riot was ever a threat to “our democracy” (a phrase endlessly repeated on CNN), the threat is long since ended. Yet Washington, D.C., was turned into an armed camp for Joe Biden’s inauguration, and tens of thousands of National Guard troops are still deployed. Why?


  1. Why are they still there,and why do they plan to keep up to SEVEN THOUSAND there until mid-March?

  2. There are far too many Trump supporters, whites, and Wall Street running dogs loose. The People's Republic must be defended at all costs from the counter revolutionaries.

  3. Their popularity demands it, obviously.

  4. I think this for something specific. My guess is that they plan to fast track some truly nasty legislation, and want protection. I'm keeping a close eye on bills filed.


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