27 January 2021

The RCMP Is More Like the KGB Every Day

Even more than the FBI, which is certainly turning into the KGB. RCMP visit reporter AT HOME for publishing story critical of Trudeau government - Rebel News

Keean Bexte of Rebel News, a Canadian news outlet, published a story critical of Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada. He exposed how the Trudeau government helped China hide the origin of the Wuhan virus. He broke no laws in breaking that story. But he made Justin Trudeau look like the bitch of China.

And since we can't have reporters actually reporting stuff that makes the Left look bad, Trudeau dispatched the nearest thing to bully-boys he has. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who are rapidly morphing into the KGB or the Stasi.

To give some context, I recently published something that was deeply embarrassing to both Trudeau and China. Documents leaked to me by a senior member of the Canadian Armed Forces that show that the first people who were likely infected by the Wuhan Flu were military adversaries to the Chinese.

Actually that 2nd story is worth your time as well. How military participants in the 7th military world games in October 2019 were exposed to COVID-19. Those games happened in Wuhan, and it seems mostly adversaries of China were infected. Trudeau doesn't want those military personnel to have COVID tests, because that would reflect poorly on his Chinese masters.

The first story, at the top, is a video that Mr. Bexte recorded in his kitchen, together with recordings of his visit by the RCMP. The acknowledge that he has broken no laws, and that they are doing the bidding of their masters in Ottawa. His opinion of the quality of the bully-boys dispatched by Trudeau is worth the whole video.

Find the video at the link above, or on YouTube.

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