25 January 2021

The Continuing Cry of the Doomsayers

An interesting collection of headlines and news articles mostly from the late 1960s and 1970s, from Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse. Let's Destroy Another Myth

Some of the stuff that has been forecast....

  • Dire Famine by 1975. (Paul Ehrlich and The Population Bomb.)
  • Global Cooling. "New Ice Age Predicted by 21st Century." (Air Pollution was going to "obliterate" the sun.)
  • An early (1898) prediction that "In 50 years, the streets of London will be buried under 9 feet of horse manure.

But my favorite of the bunch comes from 1969, which again comes from Ehrlich.

We must realize that unless we are extremely lucky, everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam in 20 years.

I guess we were extremely lucky, because I don't remember anybody disappearing in a cloud of steam anytime between 1969 and today. I would have remembered!

The good part: It didn’t happen. The better part: I was right. The best part: They were wrong. Every. Fucking. Time.

Of course if you point this out, you are a denier. Or something.

So be it. I stopped being upset about people calling me names in high school. At work it went like this: It's "Ms. Bitch" to you. And also: That is "Witch" with a capital "B." Cancel culture of course is a problem.

The myth that needs destroying? That science has a liberal bent. Liberals may be bent, but it isn't due to science.

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