30 November 2020

Cooperation Is Touted as the Key to Safety

"Just give them what they want, and they will leave you alone." That is what the gun-hating-Left always says. This guy didn't get that memo. Clerk Shot During Robbery At Centennial Gas Station, Suspect At Large

Investigators said the suspect asked the clerk for cigarettes before pulling out a gun and demanding cash. The clerk was shot in the stomach after handing over an unknown amount of money.

As for the "give them what they want" crowd, they never want to discuss rape in those terms. And usually refuse to discuss anything if you bring up that subject.

Cooperating with a criminal is a strategy for dealing with a violent encounter. It is not a guarantee. In some cases it might work, and it might be the first thing you need to (at least appear to) be doing. But in the long run, I am not sure it is a good strategy. Violent criminals do not stop being violent criminals because of anything you are or are not doing.

Of course being armed in your own self-defense is also no guarantee.

Nothing in this world is absolutely certain but death and next winter’s snow.
 - Marion Zimmer-Bradley. The Saga of the Renunciates

Still, some strategies are better than others.

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