Matthew at Bacon Time!!!! starts things off with Revenge Of Sunday Linkage !!
Victory Girls Democratic Party of Hate, Edition 2020
Hogewash The Silicon Curtain
WUWT “Over My Dead Body”
Daley Gator - Your CCW News Update For Sunday (10/25/20)
Chinese Billionaire Dissident Leaking Crackhead Hunter’s Emails Says There Will Be “10,000” More Pictures After Sex Tape – Big League Politics
Pirate's Cove - Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup
Doug Ross @ Journal features a helpful CDC chart on Bat Soup Virus
Free North Carolina covers Dallas removing a Texas Ranger monument
GeeeZ has some Saturday thoughts, especially about civil war
Wombat-socho at The Other McCain - In The Mailbox: 10.27.20 (Morning Edition)
Adam Piggott: Red China Has Bought All Our Politicians American Conservative: Trump Unbound – Visions For A Second Term American Greatness: Trumpism – Then, Now, & In The Future?
EBL - #QuidProJoe Sleepy Joe Biden vs. Trump 🤔🥊
AoSHQ: Morning Report 10.26.20 (Buy from Traitor Joe's)
Don Surber: Highlights of the News (Trump Is Always Closing)
The Lid: Dementia Joe Biden Confuses Trump With George Bush (Video)
Political Hat - News of the Week (October 25th, 2020)
Opposition to Packing the Court Coming From More Moderate Democrats
As it turns out, it’s not going to be easy for the radical Democrats to pack the court with Constitution-destroying liberals.
Freedom Is Just Another Word... - Ridiculous ….
What?? CNN??? Impossible!!
CNN Fact Checked Joe Biden And Caught Him Lying
Again from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 10.27.20 (Evening Edition)
American Power: What If Biden Loses Florida?
American Thinker: Media Firemen Scramble To Save Sleepy Joe, also, When Democrats Hate What They Vote For
A View from the Beach - From the Annals of the Biden Crime Family
Schumer sends letter to FBI director to ignore Biden scandal, says investigation could ‘undermine the rule of law.’ "In the Democrats’ lexicon, “rule of law,” like “democracy” means “our untrammeled power.”
Battleswarm Blog - BidenWatch for October 26, 2020
“Reported Biden Emails: Burisma Exec Said Hunter Biden’s Role Was To Halt Investigations.”
“Blockbuster Report Reveals How Biden Family Was Compromised By China”:
Maggie's Farm - Monday morning links
Anarchy in New York? One senses order slipping away.
Chicago Mayor Imposes 10pm Lockdown On Bars, Restaurants
California: The Grinch who stole Thanksgiving
J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report - 10/26/20
"Joe Biden flat-out lied about having no knowledge of his son's Burisma dealings."
The Biden Crisis
Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: Joe Biden Has Been Compromised by a Massive Trove of Blackmail Material in the Hands of China
Senate votes to advance Barrett nomination to floor: Susan Ferrechio
Republicans Refile SCOTUS Challenge to Changes in PA Voting Rules: RS
CoS Mark Meadows Discusses Middle East Peace and Wray, Haspel issues: CTH
I leave you with Sunday Funnies 10-25-20 from Stately McDaniel Manor, and Sunday gifdump from Wirecutter, and Cartoon Round Up.... from Theo Spark, and The Week in Pictures: #MeToobin Edition from Power Line.
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