10 August 2021

Good Guy With a Gun Stops a Bad Guy With a Gun

That thing that the Gun-hating Left says never happens. Des Moines police say resident shot intruder in self-defense.

Or how would you respond to an armed intruder in your home at 12:30 AM? You can also file this under Another Failure of the Victim-selection Process.

Police say the intruder assaulted and threatened residents inside the apartment before he was shot by one of the residents. Investigators say the intruder fled the scene and later showed up with a bullet wound at an emergency room. He is expected to recover.

The guy who got shot showed up at a local hosptial for treatment. Police have not announced any arrests, but I think he likely will be, once the doctors are finished with him.

Self-defense is a human-right. Good Guys 1, Bad Guys 0.

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