24 June 2024

The No Consequence Justice System in NYC

Fare evasion in the New York Subway (and on the bus system) may seem like it is not a big deal, but Cash Jordan explains how it costs the law-abiding citizens more and more. It is the result, or one of the results, of not enforcing the law, and the economic consequences that has. Don't punish shoplifters, and you will not have any retailers. Retail can only exist in the presence of law and order.

Extra police and even the National Guard in the New York subway, is just window dressing. If they arrest someone, what is the consequence? A ticket? The police in the video embedded below, who are stationed in the subway, are just standing around. If there was a major crime I'm sure they would jump into action, but do you think they are going to risk ending up on YouTube or the Nightly News to enforce subway fares?

No. Subway crime, including fare evasion, is another tax on the law abiding. Literally a tax in the form of Congestion Pricing charged to people who decide that the subway is unsafe, or who it just doesn't serve.

The current solution to fare evasion is to tax cars and trucks in the city. Everything that is consumed by people in NYC is delivered via truck. Tax those trucks, and the cost of EVERYTHING will increase.

Why anyone would want to live in New York City at this point in time, is completely beyond me. Criminals roam free, while you are prosecuted for wrongthink.

Cash Jordan is a YouTube creator who is chronicling the problems in New York City. I don't know how I found his channel, but some of his content is top notch, and better than the reporting being done by the "legitimate media." They won't say anything that might cast the Soft-on-Crime Democrats in a bad light.

The City has no idea why people are breaking into the subway, so they're going to hire a psychologist to figure it out.

But what nobody's talking about is that every single plan that wants to stop crime down here, without actually punishing anybody, is DOOMED to fail. Just like the City's other plans at stopping crime everywhere else.

This is the Cash Jordan video NYC Just Abandoned Its Subway… Permanently.

The title of this post is taken from something Cash Jordan says, when talking about the crime running rampant in NYC right now.

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