24 June 2024

Don't Bring a Knife to a Gunfight

It won't generally work out for you. MMA veteran Shannon Ritch claims self-defense after deadly shooting in Arizona - MMA Fighting

What follows is the police statement on the incident, which took place in Phoenix.

Preliminary investigation found the victim Alejandro Samplina got into a dispute with the victim/suspect Shannon Ritch over a parking issue. During the argument, Samplina produced a knife and chased Ritch around his vehicle. Ritch was able to retrieve his handgun from the open door of his vehicle. Samplina proceeded to walk towards Ritch with the knife in a threatening manner, in response Ritch fired one round, striking Samplina. Ritch remained on scene and was interview by detectives. Ritch provided a self-defense claim consistent with witnesses and surveillance video. He was released at the conclusion of the investigation; charges will be submitted to Maricopa County Attorney’s office for review.

I don't follow MMA, and so I can't tell you anything about Shannon Ritch. There is some information about him at the bottom of the linked article.

Ritch is older, so he didn't go right to beating the guy up, but why fight when you can rely on a tool.

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