24 June 2024

No Consequences in NYC for Antisemitic Actions

Is anyone shocked? Manhattan prosecutors drop charges against 30 Columbia protesters | Fox News

Dozens of anti-Israel protesters who occupied and barricaded themselves in buildings on the Columbia University campus in April had their charges dropped Thursday.

The office of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg dropped cases against 30 students and staff members who were arrested during the campus unrest.

He dismissed the charges and sealed the records, so we have to take his word on the lack of evidence.

Hat tip to William Teach at Pirate's Cove: Surprise? Alvin Bragg Drops Charges Against Pro-Hamas Columbia Students.

No one saw this coming, right? That the Jew hating, Hamas supporting students would pay no price for their actions

I miss living in a civilized country.

1 comment:

  1. Someone who has zero knowledge of anything about America might see recent events and conclude that the legal system is designed to punish only the people who believe life should be in accordance with a set of beliefs that embrace what the people who get charged with crimes call Conservatism.


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