08 July 2024

Free Speech Win in Tennessee

A small win, but every win counts. ‘F–k em both’: Tennessee woman wins free speech suit over vulgar sign dissing Biden, Trump

A federal judge ruled this week that the “F–k em both 2024″ sign Julie Pereira installed on her front lawn to share her dismay at the choices for president this year is not obscene, and ordered the city of Lakeland, Tennessee, to refund the money she’s paid in fines and fees and to cover her $31,000 in attorney fees.

Her neighbors were upset that she said something they didn't like. The city fined her. She decided that the first amendment was important.

And because capitalism is what makes this country great, Pereira is selling the signs on Amazon for $20.


  1. With rights come responsibilities. Profanatory behavior is disrespectful in a civil society.

    Not in the least do I regard this as a win. A win should strengthen society. This only gives license to further tearing of society. Who could fill right about that?

    I doubt the court actually said the language was not obscene. Likely, the court opinion centered on the act of expression, not the means thereof.

    Consider also that the courts held the burning of the U.S. flag protected to be protected speech. While that may also be a 'win', it is ugly and unfit to a healthy society.

    1. Free speech one of the cornerstones of the Enlightenment, which is what made the Constitution and the Bill of Rights possible. If the government says "you are not allowed to say this" about anything, then you have lost all freedom.

      You can't have the sign in this case

      You can't have a sign saying "Homosexuality is a Sin" - that would be obscene to the Left.

      You can't have a sign saying anything that the .gov doesn't like

      As for me, give me liberty or give me death.

    2. There was a time in this country, not so very long ago, when any information about contraception was considered obscene, and restricted. Information of gays/lesbians... ditto.

      There was a time, when Native Americans were prevented by federal bureaucracies from practicing their religions. I don't think that was because they were considered obscene, but because they offended the population as a whole in other ways.

      Freedom is always better.

    3. I agree 100% that no government should limit or restrict, nor even try, any form of expression of an individual.
      But this nation was founded for a self-governing people. Governance applies also to behavior.

      Of the six institutions mentioned in our founding documents, the first named is also the superior to all others; We The People.


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