22 June 2024

2016 Never Trump "Strategist" Needed a Better Strategy

I wish I could write as well as The Other McCain. Another #NeverTrump Embarrassment: ‘Lewd and Lascivious Behavior’

In 2016 the likes of Kristol, David French, et al. wanted Evan McMullin to run for President. His campaign was a complete failure.

The campaign (with former GOP operative Mindy Finn as McMullin’s VP running mate) was a sad joke, which managed to get barely 730,00 votes (less than one-half of one percent of the total) and failed to achieve its only real goal, i.e., to take votes away from Donald Trump and thereby elect Hillary Clinton.

Which was always the goal of Never Trump.

Did I mention — because it seems relevant — that the McMullin campaign cheated its employees and vendors to the tune of $669,330.95?

Well, a bit of financial chicanery goes a long way in a situation like that. Anyway...

The “chief strategist” of that debacle was Joel Searby who, going from one grift to another, in 2022 became political director of the short-lived “Renew America Movement,” which subsequently merged into the Forward Party ...

He didn't stop there. Click thru for the details on Mr. Searby's political career, and how he seems to have gotten crosswise with the law in the past few months.

“Allegedly,” I hasten to add, although I suspect Searby will be too busy trying to stay out of prison to be filing lawsuits against a blogger who forgot to use “allegedly” about these felony charges.

While you're reading that, remember that the Never Trump crew were convinced that Donald Trump was too crass, too uncivilized to be President, and reflect on the character of those they thought were good enough.

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