28 May 2024

Tuesday Links - 28 May

The American Conservative if up first with To Fix the FBI, Abolish It. A review of a book by J. Michael Waller.

A skeptic might accuse Waller of having interviewed too many grumpy old federal agents with nostalgia for the higher standards of a bygone era. But the argument of Big Intel is that America’s enemies intentionally sowed, a century ago, the seeds of Marxist-inspired critical theory radicalism in universities and influential intellectual circles in America and Europe. It was a long-term strategy of subversion.

Moves Like Jagger

Here are a couple of fact bombs you can drop into a conversation if you need to blow some minds...

Wombat-socho - Rule 5 Sunday: Pool’s Open

When I was a young spud growing up in the suburbs of DC, my father used to haul me along on his weekend trips to the Knights of Columbus; in addition to the usual council hall with bar, this council had a swimming pool, which always opened on Memorial Day weekend and closed after Labor Day – never mind that it was usually hot an humid enough to open the pool at the beginning of May and keep it open until early October.

Second City Cop - COVID Lawsuit in NJ

COVID Civil Rights Violations cases are still wending their way through the courts....and citizens are winning, even in deep-blue New Jersey.

Adaptive Curmudgeon - Poutine And Bears: Part 3. It is always tough to decide which part of AC's writing to highlight, because it is always multi-part. (There are 4 parts - so far.)

Trying to embrace “urban living” I drank a stupidly over-hoppy IPA (hipsters and IPAs go together like saltwater and rust). I finally got that plate of poutine I’d been craving! The dog sat with us in the outside dining area of a fancy microbrewery and basked in the activity like a rock star. Everyone loved the fluffy dog. They inched around the grumpy owner until Mrs. Curmudgeon said “you can pet the dog, she doesn’t bite”. She never said “my husband doesn’t bite”. I suppose it was implied. But if any of them had reached for my poutine, I’d have taken a finger off!

Don Surber - Trump train keeps a-rolling

The trials in New York — one of them for taking out a loan and paying it back with interest — have turned him into a martyr. He drew 100,000 people to a rally in New Jersey, a state he lost by 16 points four years ago.

Then he went to South Bronx.

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