28 May 2024

AR-15 Figures in Self Defense Case

My guess, which is only a guess, is that the DA in question HATES AR-15s more than they hate self defense. Man charged with attempted murder cleared as self defense | Miami Herald

Rafael Martinez argued he crashed his vehicle into a curb while being chased by his former wife and her new husband. Then, he said, he unloaded four rounds from his AR-15 at the couple as a green laser sight from a gun in the couple’s possession was pointed at him.

If a gun with a laser sight is pointed at you, and the laser is activated, I would say your expectation that bad stuff is about to happen is reasonable. That seems to be the position of the judge, anyway.

“The issue in this case is what was on the defendant’s mind the time of the incident, and was it reasonable for him to believe that his life was in danger under the circumstances,” Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge Teresa Pooler said in her seven-page opinion. “Since there were two versions of what happened, and no conclusive evidence, this determination rests on the credibility of the witnesses.”

There was history of his ex-wife's new husband harassing him.

This is a Florida Stand Your Ground case, so even though the Trayvon Martin case did not hinge on stand your ground, it gets brought up, because "Professional Journalists" hate self defense even more than DAs do.

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