27 May 2024

Portland Wakes Up to the Reality of Crime

From the Daily Mail, we get news on Portland. Portland kicks out woke Soros-backed DA and elects tough-on-crime rival after murders soared and downtown died

Mike Schmidt won in 2020 with 77% of the vote in Portland, and then crime went crazy, and the downtown imploded.

The Soros-backed progressive was elected with 77 percent of the vote in 2020 after touting a host of 'equity'-focused policies, in a county that has not voted for a Republican president since 1960.

Reality is true whether you want believe it or not.

As for Portland, homicides jumped from 57 to a 96, 2,600 businesses had fled the city center by September 2022 as shoppers avoided downtown, and fatal overdoses surged from 280 in 2019, to 628 in 2023. In short, social justice turned Portland from a beautiful city with some problems, to a drug-infested, crime-ridden ghost town.

It will take a lot to bring Portland back.

Click thru for more. Statistics on homelessness, crime, and the fact that new DA, Nathan Vasquez, considers himself to be "fairly liberal," but is dismayed by what is happening in that city.

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